miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015

First entry and wellcome

The reason of being of this new blog lies in the idea of life being much more complex of one single subject. One usually has to deal with a bunch of different stuff each day, each hour, and it is always difficult to focus on something punctual. We usually just focus our attention in something for a limited amount of time and then we move on to something else.

I'm not saying that this is something good or bad, but this is just the response to the present times we are living. Some years ago (around one hundred) people would go to concerts with classical orchestras, and these would last for around 5 or 6 hours, and after that these listeners would leave there with the melodies on their heads and would whistle them in the streets. But nowadays we leave a classical concert (or any kind of concert) we are listening for the first time, and we usually can't even remember one single melody.
Beethoven's manuscript

Though it is kind of sad, at the same time our minds are much more active on many other ways, maybe memory isn't something we are training much, since we have a lot of ways of helping it, such as smartphones, apps and google of course. With all that, it isn't really that much of a necessity to have that much of a good memory. Albeit it was something of need in the previous centuries, even more for that people that couldn't read (nor write). 

So in the end, this blog is pretty much about posting anything that comes to my mind in a particular moment. And of course share some sort of thought about it, which is the idea of the title it self. Being a blending between Everything and think, so the idea is to think about everything.

Thank you and I hope you have fun and get to think about some stuff while reading.

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Interesado profundamente en las nuevas formas de arte, y en expandir los horizontes de la música.